IBJJF Zurich Open

Last weekend our team went to the IBJJF Zurich Open.  Everyone showed a lot of courage and we are proud of all our competitors. Everyone did amazing! Thanks all the people who came to support! Great team because of great people! Next one Geneva Open on the 20th October!


Coach Patrick is on a two week Jiu Jitsu trip to the CTA main academy in California and part of his trip was the participation of the San Francisco Open. He won double gold, winning three matches by submission and closing out both his weight class and open weight together with a teammate. Congrats! You … Mehr Inspiration

Munich Open

We were 15 people to go to the IBJJF Munich Open to compete, having a great and bring back some bling bling. Everyone did an amazing job and we came back with a lot of medals, experiences and good memories. I truly believe that competitions helps you to grow not only your Jiu Jitsu but … Mehr Munich Open

Be different

If you want something else, you have to do something else! If we love to do something and having fun with it, we are likely to stick with it! That’s why we try to have fun at the Lab and enjoy the time together and grow as a person, individual and as a team!